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NetSuite Administration as a Service

Running a business is no small feat, but you don’t have to do it alone. Whether you’re just starting out or already thriving, our customized administrative services are here to help. We handle the nitty-gritty details so you can focus on what you do best—growing your business. Check out our packages and see how we can boost your efficiency and productivity.


30 Hours / month
$ 4,500
  • 6-Month
  • Provides Two(2) Redundant Admins.
  • Two(2) Hrs. Free First Month - Health Check & Pain Point Review
  • Saved Search Creation / Automation
  • Modify Existing Basic Workflow Automation


60 Hours/ Month
$ 8,500
  • 6-Month
  • Silver Package Bennefits Plus
  • Create/Modify New & Existing Custom Records
  • Pre-Release update audit and support
  • Create/Modify Basic Transactions PDF's


120 Hours / Month
$ 14,000
  • 12-Month
  • Gold Package Benefits Plus
  • Build & Test New Release Regression Scripts
  • Integration Role Management & Integration Token Management

Platinum +

120 Hours / Month
$ 17,000
  • 12-Month
  • Platinum Package Benefits Plus
  • Create/Modify Custom Centers (Scripting Included)
  • Up to 20hrs. Of Development Free every Month

Silver Package Benefits

30 Hours / Month

$4,500 / 6-Month

Gold Package Benefits

60 Hours / Month

$8,500 / 6-Month

Platinum Package Benefits

120 Hours / Month

$14,000 / 12-Month

Platinum + Package Benefits

120 Hours / Month

$17,000 / 12-Month

Why Choose TAC

Reduced Hourly

Redundancy of Multiple admins.

Quick Resolution


Understand Business Complexity

Our combined experiences in diverse industries provide us with unique insights allowing our NetSuite Consultants to provide solutions to multifaceted problems.It has been our experience that often times people look for the easiest solution instead of facing the problems head-on. This creates manual workaround and loss of man hours that contribute to increased labor costs to resolve systematic problems.

Request a demo

Fill out the form below and our team will be in touch shortly.